
Showing posts from 2019

The List of my favorite musicals I promised!!!!

So I know theater week was a couple of weeks back, but I did promise you guys a list of my favorite musicals that you should totally listen to. (In order of likability pertaining to me) Dear Evan Hansen Hamilton Be More Chill Heathers  All of these together are like, six hours so I'll only list four for you. LISTEN TO THEM.

This weeks theme is... Language!

So, here's the tea, in Spanish we had to film Ser vs. Estar Videos to help us comprehend the difference between the two verbs, and all that smart stuff. Here is my video! 

Book Quizzes!

These quizzes pertain to various book series and characters. Take as you please and I will post the results! Favorite Harry Potter Character? Luna Lovegood Outfit Quiz Keeper of the Lost Cities Poll Luna Lovegood Trivia Who are you in Keeper of the Lost Cities?

This week's theme is...characters!

Obviously, a good book isn't a good book without characters. Characters shape the way the plot turns, and how the author expresses the things the reader needs to know. So the plan is, I'm going to take a bunch of quizzes, to see what character I would be in certain books. Shout out to Ian for the idea. Q: Which book series do I belong in? A: Harry Potter Q: Which Fantasy Character are you? A: Harry Potter Q: Which Harry Potter are You? A: Luna Lovegood


For all those Singaporians that viewed my blog, here is a travel lougue on you city! Keep in mind I didn't actually visit Singapore, but may as well imagine I did. Click here!

An author that I admire..Rick Riordan!!!!

Okay, so, if you have never heard of Rick Riordan, his books, series, or coloring books, YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING IN A HOLE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Well, maybe, not a hole, more like a ditch. Anyway, he is amazing, and here is a list of things Rick has written (read them!!) - Percy Jackson and the Olympians                                 -The Lightning Thief                                 - The Sea of Monsters                                 - The Titan's Curse                                 - The Battle of the Labyrinth                                  - The Last Olympian -Heroes of Olympus                                   - The Lost Hero                                   - The Son of Neptune                                   - The Mark of Athena                                   - House of Hades                                   - The Blood of Olympus -The Trials of Apollo                                   - The Hidden Oracle                                   - The Dark P

Highest Grossing Musical Theater Production?

Obviously, most people don't have the money to go see every single Broadway show that has ever made it to that street, but, considering I've only been to one of those shows, I'm fortunate enough to have been able to go to the most popular and highest grossing show, The Lion King. This is Broadway's photo, not mine, this is what the cover of the program looks like Since this is a blog about reading and writing, the concept I'm going to be exploring is, what about the lyrics in the songs and dialogue of The Lion King make it so appealing to the listeners and the viewers? Of course, the tale of The Lion King had become vastly popular after Disney's release of the movie and it is now considered to be the best Disney movie of all time, that obviously contributed to the amount of viewers of the musical. But we are going to go way back to the movie's roots. According to Wikipedia's article on the Lion King , the story had actually been the first Disney

This Week's Theme is... Plays!

I know what you are thinking, aren't most famous plays written by Shakespeare? Well, kind of, but my on line Wheel of Decisions says that we should to plays this week, so here we go... Just warning you, this might spiral into best musicals ever made. And I mean might as in will.

Summary of Much Ado About Nothing

Putting this into a couple sentences, let's just say I'm going to explain the bare minimum. So there is this guy named Leonato and he has a niece, Beatrice, and a daughter, Hero. This dude named Benedick is talking to Beatrice and they get into an argument. Apparently, when a man and a woman argued back then, it was considered an argument. From that point on, every one in their friend group tried to get them together. (Sounds a bit like real life, doesn't it?) There is also this other guy named Claudio who is best buddies with Benedick, and he had his eyes set on Hero. There was this mascarade ball and all of them attend. Claudio decides that he needs a wing man in order to court Hero and tells this other other dude named Don John to hide behind a mask, court Hero for him and wed the two. Word gets around that Don John isn't doing this for his buddy, he just wants Hero for himself. They realize it was a big mistake and Claudio then is scheduled to get married to Hero la

This Weeks Theme is...Shakespeare!

To be or not to be, that is the question. Welcome to Shakespeare Week! (Or two weeks, depending on if I think there is more to post about Shakespeare) Assuming you read the title of this blog, Shakespeare is kind of my jam. Shakespeare was a playwright and a poet. Though he is more commonly known as being this snooty guy that writes books for high school kids to slave away over, his writing is actually pretty great. Though some of his plots can get complicated, *cough cough twelfth night, much ado about nothing, romeo and Juliet * he actually has a pretty good idea of what a rom-com is considering he was born in the 1500s. Overall, Shakespeare seems like the type of author both theater geeks and L.A. geeks could bond over, which both classify as me, if you couldn't tell. My goal is to try and post some good Shakespearean poetry, summarize some complicated works in my own words, and field some questions about everything Shakespeare! #muchadoaboutreading 


Welcome to my literature blog! I know you are probably thinking, why not just make a book review blog? Well, this is different. Each week there is going to be a knew theme of literature. Books, short stories, flash fiction, poems, plays, you name it! I hope you will have fun exploring my blog, and make sure to subscribe if you want more literature!